42 • Installing GFI FAXmaker GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 49 - Mail server test failed
If the test fails, the error condition will be displayed in the dialog. The
screenshot shows an example error highlighted. The most common
errors and their resolution are:
CDO Error: “The transport failed to connect to the server.”
Solution: This error occurs if you specified that SSL has to be used but
the server is not configured for use with SSL. Disable SSL or
configure SSL on the mail server. This error also occurs if the IP
address of the mail server has not been specified correctly, or the
connection is being blocked by a firewall or by the mail server itself.
Check firewall settings and check whether incoming connections from
the FAXmaker server are allowed.
CDO Error: “The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The
server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for <email address>”
Solution: The FAXmaker server connected, however when specifying
the domain of the recipients address, the mail server refused it. Most
frequently this occurs because relaying is not allowed from the
FAXmaker server. Configure the SMTP server to accept relaying from
the FAXmaker machine's IP or allow relaying for the internal email
domain only. E.g. mycompany.com
CDO Error: “The server rejected the sender address. The server
response was: 530 5.7.3 Client was not authenticated.”
Solution: Your mail server requires authentication and you have not
entered the authentication details. Go back to the SMTP server
configuration dialog by clicking the 'back' button in the FAXmaker
Configuration Wizard and configure authentication details. You can
also configure the SMTP server to accept anonymous SMTP
connections (if the mail server is only available to the intranet).
CDO Error: “The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The
transport error code was 0x80040217. The server response was not