154 • The GFI FAXmaker API's GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 145 - The text api properties
2. Now enable ‘Scan folder for text files’ and enter the folder name
in which all files (to be faxed out) will be saved.
3. Now specify a cover page onto which the text in the text file must be
formatted by selecting an appropriate cover page from the list box.
To send out a text file automatically:
1. Create a text file with your message text in it.
2. Add a line at the top of the text, starting with a double colon(::),
specifying the recipient’s first name, company, last name, department,
email address (all optional) and the fax number.
For example, to send a fax to Joe Johnson who is in the sales
department at the company GFI and whose email address is
sales@gfi.com and fax number 382419, the entry will be as follows:
::Joe, GFI, Johnson, Sales, sales@gfi.com, 382419
The fax number can be placed anywhere in the syntax. You can also
specify the fax number by it self. For example:
:: 382419
The complete syntax for this line is as follows:
::<first name>, <company>, <last name>, <department>, <email
address>, <fax number>
3. You can add additional send options by adding a second line,
preceded by a double colon, specifying valid fax options as described
in the paragraph below ‘Fax options’.