GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing GFI FAXmaker • 39
Screenshot 44 - Selecting administrator and users from Active Directory
The GFI FAXmaker wizard will bring up the standard ‘Select Users or
Groups’ dialog and allow you to specify a fax user.
Screenshot 45 - Specifying users
After this, the GFI FAXmaker wizard will show the selected user. You
can proceed to specify additional fax users by clicking on the ‘Add
users’ button. You can also specify users later on in the GFI
FAXmaker configuration.
If you don’t have Active Directory
If you don’t have a Windows Server 2000 or higher, and therefore do
not have Active Directory, you will have to configure the GFI
FAXmaker users by importing the users from a Windows machine,
from a CSV list or by creating them manually. The latter can only be
done from the configuration after you have completed the GFI
FAXmaker configuration wizard. To import the users from a Windows