GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring GFI FAXmaker for Lotus Notes • 179
Screenshot 174 – Configuring permissions
3. Click Add and Add the FAXmaker user created in Step 2.
4. Select the FAXmaker Person.
5. On the Attributes section select User type: Person, Access:
6. Tick the Delete Documents permission checkbox.
7. Click OK.
Step 4: Remove default $POP3 View
Faxes delivered to the FAXmaker database with by Foreign Domain
(i.e. 123@fax) will automatically be routed to the sent items folder of
the Mailbox. Therefore no items appear to be in the mailbox (via
POP3) unless you change the default POP3 view for the database.
1. Load Lotus Domino Designer. From the menu bar select File >
Database > Open
2. Select Server to be your Domino server, select the mail directory
and select faxmaker.nsf
3. Select Views and then find the $POP view