GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the fax devices • 21
detection process. If the problem persists, refer to the
‘Troubleshooting Brooktrout Cards’ section in this chapter.
9. Upon completion of the card detection process, click on the Next
button and subsequently click on the Finish button to finalize the
Brooktrout driver installation.
Troubleshooting Brooktrout cards
If GFI FAXmaker does not detect the card, there is a hardware
installation problem. To troubleshoot, download the Brooktrout
diagnostics software from the Cantata Technology website, and
ensure the card is installed properly. If the card is not recognized or
not running, contact Cantata Technology support.
Screenshot 19 - Brooktrout diagnostics software
NOTE: The GFI FAXmaker TR 114 drivers use the Brooktrout BFV 4.3
SDK/API (this information is handy if you need to call Cantata
Technology support).
Installing the Brooktrout SR140 (FoIP)
The list of currently supported Brooktrout cards is available from
http://kbase.gfi.com/showarticle.asp?id=KBID001227. Installation
guides, product documentation and support is available from the
Cantata Technology website at
, You must always install GFI FAXmaker software before installing
Brooktrout or Trufax drivers. For more information refer to the
‘Installing GFI FAXmaker’ chapter.
Installing the Brooktrout SR140
The Brooktrout SR140 is a software-only Fax over IP (FoIP) solution
from Cantata Technology. To install the Brooktrout SR140 follow
these steps: