
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Troubleshooting 191
The troubleshooting chapter explains how you should go about
resolving issues you have. The main sources of information available
to users are:
1. The manual – most issues can be solved by reading the manual.
2. The GFI knowledgebase – accessible from the GFI website.
3. The GFI support site.
4. Contacting the GFI support department by email at
5. Contacting the GFI support department using our live support
service at
6. Contacting our support department by telephone.
GFI maintains a knowledgebase, which includes answers to most
common problems. If you have a problem, please consult the
knowledgebase first. The knowledgebase always has the most up-to-
date listing of support questions and patches.
The knowledgebase can be found on
Request support via e-mail
If, after using the knowledgebase and this manual, you have any
problems that you cannot solve, you can contact the GFI support
department. The best way to do this is via e-mail, since you can
include vital information as an attachment that will enable us to solve
the issues you have more quickly.
The Troubleshooter, included in the program group, generates
automatically a series of files needed for GFI to give you technical
support. The files would include the configuration settings etc. To
generate these files, start the troubleshooter and follow the
instructions in the application.
In addition to collecting all the information, it also asks you a number
of questions. Please take your time to answer these questions
accurately. Without the proper information it will not be possible to
diagnose your problem.
Then go to the support directory, located under the main program
directory, ZIP the files, and send the generated files to
Ensure that you have registered your product on our website
first, at