GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the clients • 47
Installing the clients
Introduction to the GFI FAXmaker client software
After installing the Fax server, you can already send faxes by sending
an email and addressing the email correctly. However if users wish to
send faxes by printing to the GFI FAXmaker printer driver, they must
install the GFI FAXmaker client.
The GFI FAXmaker client software consists of a fax printer driver, fax
viewer and the optional GFI FAXmaker Fax message form. The GFI
FAXmaker Fax message form offers an easy way for users to specify
fax options. During installation, you can choose whether the Outlook
New Message form should appear when the user prints to the
FAXmaker printer driver, or the GFI FAXmaker Fax message form.
The FAXmaker Fax message form also retrieves the company name
of the recipient, so the cover page always has the company name
filled in. If using the Outlook new message form, the company name
will only be filled in if the FAXmaker fax server could retrieve the
company name of the recipient via a configured public contact list.
The GFI FAXmaker Fax message form submits the fax via SMTP to
the GFI FAXmaker fax server, so it should know the mail server name
as well as the email address of the user. No communication takes
place between client & the fax server (mail is delivered via your mail
server), so there are no scalability issues.
System requirements:
• Windows XP Pro/2000/2003, Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT
Server/ Workstation 4.0.
• If using Windows 2000, ensure you have Service Pack 3 or later
Installing the client software
Important: You will need administrator rights to install the GFI
FAXmaker client, because it includes a fax printer driver. You can log
on as administrator and install the client – it will automatically be made
available to all users of the machine.
1. Download the client software (faxclient.msi) from
ftp://ftp.gfi.com (or
run from the CD) and launch the file on the client machine itself.