110 • Configuring Fax server options GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
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GFI MailEssentials.
This node links to the main web page of GFI MailEssentials. GFI
MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP offers spam protection at server
level and eliminates the need to install and update anti-spam software
on each desktop. GFI MailEssentials offers a fast set-up and a high
spam detection rate using Bayesian analysis and other methods - no
configuration required, very low false positives through its automatic
white list, and the ability to automatically adapt to your email
environment to constantly tune and improve spam detection. GFI
MailEssentials also adds key email tools to your mail server:
disclaimers, reporting, mail archiving and monitoring, server-based
auto replies and POP3 downloading.
GFI support
This node links to the GFI FAXmaker support page, which also has a
knowledge base.
Configuring fax archiving
The archiving feature archives all in- and outbound faxes, allowing you
to store a history of your fax communications. GFI FAXmaker
supports 2 methods of archiving: by sending a copy of all faxes to an
e-mail archiving solution (via e-mail) or by archiving directly to a
database. The advantage of archiving to an e-mail archiving solution
is that you can allow users to search for faxes in the same way as
they retrieve e-mails.
GFI MailArchiver for Exchange
GFI FAXmaker obviously works well with GFI MailArchiver for
Exchange. This is an easy-to-use email archiving solution that enables
you to archive all internal and external mail into a SQL database. You
can provide users with easy, centralized access to past email via a
web-based search interface.
The space savings are considerable – by storing mail in a SQL
database and by compressing attachments, GFI MailArchiver for
Exchange can store mail up to 70% more efficiently than in Exchange
stores or psts. GFI MailArchiver also eases exchange backup and
restores: because all mail is stored externally in a standard SQL
database, you don’t have to worry about restoring the exchange
stores, which are often corrupted. Users do not need to archive and
manage local psts either since all mail is stored centrally.
You can use other mail archiving solutions too: It is almost certain that
it will support retrieving e-mails to archive from a mailbox and allow
users to search for faxes via the interface included with your archive
Archiving to an e-mail archiving solution
To archive via mail: