
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax routing 79
Screenshot 80 - General OCR Configuration - Specifying matching ratio and intelligent routing
Matching ratio: The matching ratio is the confidence that GFI
FAXmaker needs to have before matching the keyword or name to a
recipient. The recommended matching ratio is between 60 and 80%, it
should not be 100%.
The matching ratio is dependent on the quality of the fax. If the fax is
of bad quality, OCR will not recognize all the letters on the fax. In this
case a lower matching ration is required; otherwise the fax will not be
routed. On the other hand, a low ratio may lead to faxes being
forwarded to users who should not receive the fax. If the matching
ratio is too low, some words, which are similar to the phrases, will be
considered as being the phrases, e.g., with 60% ratio Jones and
Jonen will be considered to be the same.
Intelligently route faxes based on user's first and last names: This
option allows you to automatically route a fax if it finds a users name
in the fax. You don't have to configure the users names, since GFI
FAXmaker will retrieve the user names from Active Directory or the
Exchange 5.5 directory automatically. Use this option if you have
many users and don't want to configure custom search phrases for
each user.
Adding an OCR route
1. Right click on the Routing > OCR node, and select 'New...'