
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker - an overview 7
The GFI FAXmaker fax server receives the faxes via SMTP and using
a sink captures the fax and converts it to fax format and faxes it out.
The same principle is applied to SMS messages. Delivery reports and
inbound faxes will be forwarded to the user’s email address at the ISP
mail server. Because of the small size of faxes files and relatively
small amount of email traffic created by GFI FAXmaker, this will not
pose a significant overhead on your internet link.
How it works from the client
All faxes sent by users from the FAXmaker client will be sent to the
SMTP format
number@faxmaker.com. The FAXmaker client will know
the name of the fax server machine and submit the fax directly to the
GFI FAXmaker server. The user can not send a fax from his e-mail
How users send a fax
The user can send a fax in the following ways:
Screenshot 1 - The FAXmaker Fax Message form
1. Create or open a document in any Windows application and print it
to the ’GFI FAXmaker printer’. This will convert the document to
fax format and activate the GFI FAXmaker Fax Message form in
which a fax number and other options can be specified
2. Send directly from the GFI FAXmaker Fax Message form from the
GFI FAXmaker program group.
3. Open their e-mail client, create a new message, enter the text to
send, add attachments if needed and address the fax to
number@faxmaker.com, or if the user is on Exchange Server,
select the recipient from the Microsoft Outlook Contacts.
4. From any Microsoft Office application, Use the Send To command,
which can be found in the file menu. This will attach the document
created to a new mail message after which the fax can be sent as
per option 3.