
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax routing 75
3. Now double-click on the DID number in the right pane. This will
bring up the DID route properties. In the users tab, select to which
user(s) the fax must be routed if the fax is received on this DID
extension number.
Screenshot 76 - Selecting a printer to auto print a fax on
4. You can also specify that any faxes received on this route should
be printed on a particular printer. To do this, select the printers tab,
enable ‘Automatically print faxes routed through this rule’ and select
the printer in the printer list box.
NOTE: You must configure any printers you wish to use in an inbound
route in the printers node. If you do not have any printers configured,
this tab will appear grayed out. For information on how to configure
printers, see the previous paragraph ‘general routing options’.
Importing/Exporting a range of DID routes
If you have a large number of users, it might be easier to prepare a list
of DID numbers and associate user names in another application like
To import or export a range of DID numbers:
1. In the GFI FAXmaker configuration, right click on the Routing >
DTMF/DID node.
2. From the menu, select either import or export DTMF/DID range. A
file dialog will appear asking you to specify a text file with the data to
be imported. The data must be in the following CSV format:
"did/dtmf number", "user1", "user2", "user3", …