
2 GFI FAXmaker - an overview GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Figure 1 - GFI FAXmaker installed on the Exchange 2000/2003 server
If you install GFI FAXmaker on the Exchange Server machine, GFI
FAXmaker will install a standard Exchange SMTP connector and a
sink (a program that captures particular messages at mail server
level). No further configuration will be needed. The connector will
forward all fax messages to GFI FAXmaker via the sink.
Figure 2 - GFI FAXmaker installed on a separate server
If want to install GFI FAXmaker on a separate machine, first install
GFI FAXmaker on the fax server machine (which will require the IIS
SMTP service to be installed). The fax server software and a sink for
the IIS SMTP service will be installed. Then run the GFI FAXmaker
set-up again on the Exchange server, which will create a standard
SMTP connector, which will forward the faxes via SMTP to the GFI
FAXmaker Fax server. If you wish you can also create this Exchange
SMTP connector manually as described in the chapter ‘The Exchange
2000/2003 SMTP connector’
The GFI FAXmaker fax server receives the faxes via SMTP and using
the sink captures the fax and converts it to fax format and faxes it out.