
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax lines 61
Screenshot 65 - Brooktrout device options
7. Select the correct line capabilities option for your card. For ISDN
DID fax routing choose DID/ISDN. For Analogue DTMF routing
choose DTMF.
8. If you plan to use fax routing to route faxes to individual users
based on the DID number, click on the Advanced tab and then select
the Number of DTMF/DID digits to capture check box. The number
of digits should be set to the size of the range of numbers you will be
capturing. (i.e. For a range of 0-99 you should capture two digits. For
a range of 0000-5000 you would capture 4 digits).
9. You can configure ‘Line options’ and ‘Advanced options’ from the
Line options and Advanced tabs. A description of these options can
be found further on in this manual. Click OK to add the line.
10. Repeat the above steps to add any additional lines you wish to
use with GFI FAXmaker.
, After making any changes to the FAXmaker Lines/Devices
configuration make sure to restart the GFI FAXmaker FAX Server
service for the changes to take effect. Then check the Fax Server
Monitor to make sure that the lines have been initialized.