GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the clients • 51
Screenshot 57- Specifying the email address
If Active Directory is not present, or GFI FAXmaker fails to obtain the
e-mail address, the user will be prompted for his/her email address.
Set-up Command line options
If you want to run the GFI FAXmaker client set-up in unattended
mode, you can specify the following options on the command line of
the MSI file. MSI files can be run from the command line with the
following command: msiexec /i "<full path to client MSI file>"
‘SILENTPRINTERDRIVER=1’: Installs the printer driver silently. Note
that an older driver is installed, in order to bypass the windows
uncertified driver install dialog. If using the parameter, make sure that
the policy to prevent Kernel mode printer drivers is not set.
‘USEOUTLOOKFORM=1’: Configures the Outlook New Message
form to pop up instead of the FAXmaker New Message Form, after a
user prints to the FAXmaker printer driver.
‘LANGUAGE=<language:<insert language> >’: Specifies the
language of the client to be installed. Available options are ENGLISH,
If using an SMTP routing rule (sink mode, i.e. with Exchange
2000/2003/5.5 or another mail server), you just have to specify the
mail server machine name, using the following command line
MAILSERVER=<mail server IP or machine name>
If using an SMTP/POP3 server or an ISP hosted mail server, you must
specify the FAXmaker fax server. In this case the faxes are delivered
directly to the GFI FAXmaker machine, not via the mail server:
FAXSERVER=<fax server IP or machine name>
If you are using the POP3 connector to collect the faxes (mailbox
mode, i.e. Lotus Notes or an SMTP/POP3 mail server, you have to
specify the mail server name and fax mailbox, using the following
command line parameters:
MAILSERVER=<mail server IP or machine name>
FAXMAILBOX=<email address of fax server mailbox>
NOTE: The faxserver and mailserver command line options are
mutually exclusive. The fax mailbox command line option requires the
mailserver command line.
USESSL=<0 or 1> : Enables SSL.
USEAUTH=<0 or 1>: Enables SMTP authentication.