
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Installation 201
Screenshot 188 - Check for a more recent build of the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack
4. Choose whether you want the installation wizard to search for a
newer build of the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack on the GFI
website. Then, click Next to proceed with the installation.
5. In the license page, read the licensing agreement carefully and then
click I accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Next to
6. Enter your Name, Company, and License key. If you are evaluating
the product, leave the license key as default (i.e. `Evaluation'). Click
Next to continue.
Screenshot 189 – Database selection page
7. In the Database Selection page, you need to select the database
you configured GFI FAXmaker to use for reporting purposes.