156 • The GFI FAXmaker API's GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
For example: ::fh=John Doe or ::faxheader=John Doe
With this option you can set a custom personal header, which will be
added to the default fax header at the top of the fax.
To specify high or normal resolution
::H or ::high ,or ::N or ::normal
For example: ::H
‘H’ stands for high resolution (200 * 200 dpi) and ‘N’ for normal
resolution (200 * 100 dpi).
To schedule a fax
For example: ::2005-04-21:16:05:00
Specify year as 4-digits for 'YYYY' and 2-digits for the rest. 'MM' is for
month, 'DD' is for day, 'hh' is for hour, 'mm' is for minutes and 'ss' is for
seconds. When specifying a single digit value (I.e. from 0 to 9) for 2-
digit values, make sure that you add a '0' as a prefix so that '3'
becomes '03'.
Alternatively you can use the following superceeded method:
For example: ::23:15
‘hh’ equals hours and ‘mm’ equals minutes. If you want to send a fax
at a scheduled time, this option can be used.
To specify a billing code
::B=nnnn or ::billingcode=nnnn
For example: ::B=5
‘nnnn’ can be replaced by any number. This number will be added in
the log file and can then be used to apportion costs.
To specify the subject
::S=subject or ::subject=subject
For example: ::S=pricelist
Replace ‘subject’ by the subject that GFI FAXmaker should enter in
the <subject> field of the cover page.
To specify priority
::p=low/high/l/h or priority= low/high/l/h
For example: ::p=low
‘P’ stands for priority. You can enter low, high or l or h. This option is
handy when you have submitted a large fax mailing and you wish to
send out this fax immediately.
To request which fax line to use
::line=linenumber or l=linenumber
For example: ::line=1