
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the fax devices 17
13. At this stage, if you have an IP enabled fax card, a dialog will ask
you if you want to configure the Brooktrout SIP stack (i.e. FOIP - Fax
over IP). Click on the Yes button to proceed to the main configuration
tool windows.
Screenshot 13 - Brooktrout configuration tool window
14. From the Configuration tool window, check that the settings match
your setup. If you did not make any configuration changes (i.e. you
have left all settings as default), click on the Apply button and close
the Brooktrout Configuration tool. If you need configuration assistance,
you can refer to the help included in the configuration tool.
Note 1: If the drivers do not work immediately when you start the GFI
FAXmaker Fax Server or some lines refuse to send or receive, please
reboot the machine.
Note 2: If an analog board refuses to dial out, make sure that the
'Tone Dialing' option is enabled for the line in the GFI FAXmaker
Configuration ` Lines/Devices node.
Note 3: If using multiple Brooktrout boards in one chassis, make sure
that they are of the same type. Having different Brooktrout boards in
one chassis is not a supported setup. Also make sure that the rotary
switch on the Brooktrout boards are setup in as sequential numbers
starting from 2. I.e.: Module 1 rotary switch set to 2, Module 2 rotary
switch set to 3, etc...
If using a Brooktrout TR114 or Trufax analog card:
1. Switch off the machine where you want to install the Brooktrout Fax
card. Plug in the card following the instructions supplied with this