GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Configuring default options • 223
GFI FAXmaker ReportPack -
Configuring default options
While installing the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack, you configured
some default settings that are used by the GFI ReportCenter when
distributing reports by email and storing reports to disk, as well as on
which GFI FAXmaker reporting database you want to base the
reports. If the need arises, you can re-configure these settings from
the GFI ReportCenter management console as shown in the following
Which GFI FAXmaker reporting database is being used?
Screenshot 210 – GFI FAXmaker reporting database
To check which GFI FAXmaker reporting database source is currently
being used by the GFI ReportCenter to generate reports, follow these
1. Click on the Options panel button.
2. Click on the Database Source node to view the current GFI
FAXmaker reporting database details in the right-pane.
Configuring the GFI FAXmaker reporting database source
To change the GFI FAXmaker reporting database source, follow these
1. Click on the Options panel button.