
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Installation 203
9. Specify the product installation path or click Next to leave as
default. The installation needs approximately 100 MB of free disk
10. The installation wizard is now ready to copy the required files and
finalize the installation. To proceed click Install.
11. When all the files are copied, the installation wizard displays the
finish page. Click Finish to close the installation wizard and complete
the installation.
Launching GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack for GFI ReportCenter
Following the installation, you can launch the GFI FAXmaker 12.0
ReportPack for GFI ReportCenter from Start ` Programs ` GFI
ReportCenter ` GFI FAXmaker ReportPack.
NOTE: GFI ReportCenter will run with limited functionality upon expiry
of the evaluation period. This will also occur if the license key you
entered is not a valid GFI ReportCenter license key.
Selecting a product
When more than one GFI product ReportPack is installed on the same
machine, you can select the GFI product ReportPack you want to use
from the Product Selection list.
Screenshot 191 – Product Selection list
For example, to run the reports provided in the GFI FAXmaker 12.0
ReportPack, click on the Product Selection list and select the GFI
FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack entry.
NOTE: Select the ‘ALL PRODUCTS’ option to display and navigate all the
ReportPacks that are currently installed in GFI ReportCenter.