72 • Configuring Fax routing GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
2. Now double-click on the printer in the right-hand pane. The general
properties dialog appears. This allows you to configure what printer or
printer cassette to use based on the size of the fax received. For
example, you can specify to print legal size faxes on a printer set up to
print legal pages. You can also force that all faxes, independent of
their size be printed on a particular paper size.
• To print all faxes on the same printer with the same settings,
select A4 only, Letter only or legal only. Then specify the printer
and its settings in the corresponding printer settings, by clicking on
the button, located besides the selected paper size.
• To print all faxes on different printers or with different printer
settings depending on the paper size, select ‘Nearest size’ and
configure the printer settings for all 3 paper formats.
After you have created the printer, you will be able to select it when
creating an inbound fax route.
Using Backup2Folder to route to folder
You can specify that a fax received on a particular line or route is
backed up in a particular folder. If you wish to do this you have to
enable the Backup2Folder feature on a per-route basis by opening the
route's properties and selecting the Backup2Folder tab. For each
route you can specify the folder in which to backup the received fax
into, and the preferred file format for the attachment.