
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax routing 69
If using a separate DID trunk: A Brooktrout TR114 TR 1034 DID
card (approx. cost $2000)
If using DID lines from your PBX: any Brooktrout TR 114 or TR
1034 card. Ensure that they support your PBX and that you have a
knowledgeable phone technician who is able to configure this for
you. For information on this contact Cantata Technology.
MSN routing (ISDN only)
This method is similar to DID routing, however it uses the available
MSN numbers instead of dedicated DID numbers (ISDN only). Each
ISDN line has 1 or more MSN numbers (usually 9) assigned to it. If
your ISDN line has 9 MSN numbers, you can have 9 different routes
for a fax. The number of lines assigned to each ISDN line is different
for each telecommunications provider. Contact your
telecommunications provider for the exact number.
Requirements for DID routing (ISDN):
A separate ISDN Line with spare MSN numbers.
An active ISDN CAPI 2.0 card such as an EICON Server BRI
(approx. cost $300-$500).
OCR Routing
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) routing allows you to forward
incoming faxes depending on its text content. First the fax pages are
converted to text using OCR technology. Then the text is searched for
the user's first and last name and/or configurable text phrases. The
fax server will then forward the incoming fax to the respective user.
Requirements for OCR routing:
Separately downloadable OCR module.
OCR license.
Line routing
Line routing allows you to assign a physical fax line to a user. For
example, if your office had 4 fax machines in each department prior to
purchase of GFI FAXmaker, you could use those 4 fax lines with a 4
port fax device to route the faxes to each department based on the
number on which it was received.
Two or more physical fax lines
Routing to a public folder or to an individual user
You can also choose to route to an individual’s mailbox or a public
folder/shared mailbox. In this case, faxes are manually routed by a
single person or group of persons.
CSID routing
CSID (Caller Sender Identification) routing relies on the FAX ID, which
each FAX machine/FAX card displays when sending a fax. Since it
rarely changes, it can be used to identify the sender and thus the
corresponding recipient. CSID routing is still present in the GFI