GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual NetPrintQueue2FAX • 131
Note that the user must be a GFI FAXmaker user!
Screenshot 128 - A document ready to be printed toNetPrintQueue2FAX
Sending a fax broadcast using NetprintQueue2FAX
The NetPrintQueue2FAX feature can also be used to easily send out
fax broadcasts. Simply setup your mail merge in Microsoft Word,
ensure that the recipient information is included in each page and
include at the end of a document a so called fax separator. To send a
fax broadcast using the Microsoft Mail merge feature:
1. Create a database or file with recipient information, including. fax
number (required), Company name (Optional) and Recipient name
(Optional). You can either use an existing data file or create a new
one. For more information about this, consult the Microsoft Mail Merge
2. Create the document which you want to fax broadcast. Include the
fax number, company name and recipient name fax fields in the
merge document.
3. Include the search fields that GFI FAXmaker has to search for in
front of the mail merge fields. After the mail merge fields, include the
delimiter character.
4. At the end of the document to be merged include the @# characters
at the beginning of a line. Ensure that the line after these characters is
empty. These 2 characters are referred to as the fax separator
characters, and indicate to GFI FAXmaker that the next page is a new
Why the fax separator is needed
When you create a mail merge to be fax broadcasted, you must
indicate the end of the merge letter, in the mail merge document. This
is because Microsoft Word will create one big print job out of the mail
merge, and GFI FAXmaker needs to be able to separate each merge
letter to individual faxes. Therefore, when you create a mail merge, at
the end of the merge letter you must add the fax separator characters.