GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax server options • 99
Screenshot 99 - Transmission report options
Report successful outgoing FAX transmissions: Tick this option if
you want GFI FAXmaker to send a transmission report if a fax is sent
Include attachments with success reports: Tick this option if you
want the fax file to be included with the transmission report.
Report failed outgoing FAX transmissions: Select this option if you
wish GFI FAXmaker to send a transmission report when a fax has
Include attachments with failure reports: Tick this option if you wish
GFI FAXmaker to include the fax file that failed in the transmission
Append original message body: Tick this option if you want the
original fax message body to be included in the transmission report.
This option is recommended since it allows users to easily re-submit
faxes and to find sent faxes. Note that with the FAXmaker Fax
Message form, sent faxes are not stored in the sent items folder, so
the only way for users to retrieve faxes sent via the FAXmaker Fax
Message form is via the transmission reports.
Header/Footer/Stamping options
The Header/Footer/Stamping options node allows you to specify a
header and/or footer text for all outgoing faxes as well as ‘stamp’
incoming faxes with similar information. The header/footer options can
be set in the Header/Footer tab, whereas the stamping options can be