4 • GFI FAXmaker - an overview GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
How it works from the client
All faxes sent by users from the FAXmaker Fax Message form are
sent via Microsoft Outlook using the SMTP format
number@faxmaker.com. If the user wants to send a fax using the New
Message form of Microsoft Outlook, the user has to address the email
number@faxmaker.com. Exchange 5.5 is then configured to
forward mails sent to the faxmaker.com domain to the GFI FAXmaker
fax server via SMTP.
How GFI FAXmaker works with Lotus Notes/Domino
If you have Lotus Notes or Domino you can choose to install GFI
FAXmaker on the mail server machine itself or on a separate
Figure 4 - GFI FAXmaker installed on the Lotus Notes machine
In both cases, GFI FAXmaker will retrieve the faxes via a dedicated
POP3 mailbox. You will need to create a dedicated mailbox and
configure GFI FAXmaker to retrieve the faxes from that mailbox. How
to do this is described in detail in the chapter ‘Configuring GFI
FAXmaker for Lotus Notes’.