
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the fax devices 25
Screenshot 26 - Selecting the license file
12. From the Specify License File dialog box, select the *.lic file
provided by Cantata Technology and click Open.
13. The Brooktrout License Manager will display the details of the
license key you provided. To close the Brooktrout License Manager
click Exit from the License menu.
NOTE: To use the Brooktrout SR140 (FoIP) software, you must have
both a license from Cantata Technology, activated as outlined in steps
10 to 13 above, as well as a GFI FAXmaker license key that is
enabled for Brooktrout SR140 usage from GFI. To obtain an SR140
usage license from GFI, please contact GFI sales at
14. To determine whether you have a valid SR140 usage license both
from Cantata Technology and GFI, from the Start menu click on All
Programs ` GFI FAXmaker Brooktrout TR1034 Drivers `
FAXmaker Brooktrout Configuration GUI.
Screenshot 27 – Brooktrout SR140 licensed from Cantata Technology but not from GFI
Screenshot 28 – No Cantata Technology license is available for the Brooktrout SR140