
80 Configuring Fax routing GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 81 - New search phrase - Creating a new OCR search phrase
2. Now enter the phrase that you wish the OCR routing engine to look
for and click OK. The OCR search phrase will appear in the right pane
of the GFI FAXmaker Configuration.
3. The search phrase options should come up automatically but if this
is not the case double-click on the newly created search phrase. In the
users tab, select to which user(s) the fax must be routed if the search
phrase has been successfully matched.
4. Optionally configure a printer on which the fax must be auto printed
if received in this route. To do this, select the appropriate printer in the
printers tab. (Note that you must have configured the printer first in the
Advanced > Printers node)
Routing to a public folder in Exchange
To make the incoming faxes arrive in a public folder follow the
following steps, depending whether you have Exchange 2000/2003 or
Exchange 5.5:
For Exchange 2000/2003
1. Create the public folder in Exchange System manager.