
172 Configuring Exchange Server 5.5 for faxing GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 164 - Add Email domain
3. In the ‘Add E-Mail Domain’ dialog enter the ‘E-Mail Domain:’ as
faxmaker.com. Click on ‘Advanced options…’ button.
Screenshot 165 - Advanced options
4. In the ‘Advanced options…’ dialog set the ‘Send Microsoft
Exchange rich text formatting:’ to Never. Click OK to confirm changes
in ‘Advanced options…’. Click OK to confirm changes in ‘Add E-Mail
5. Repeat this process for the smsmaker.com domain.
6. Now click OK to save all changes. Restart the IMS service from the
control panel for the new settings to take effect.
Configuring the GFI FAXmaker users
After you have configured the Exchange 5.5 server, ensure that you
have configured all fax users as licensed GFI FAXmaker users and
entered their email address in Active Directory, or if you don’t have
active directory in the GFI FAXmaker user database. For more
information, please see the paragraph ‘Step 3: Specifying the fax
administrator & users’ of chapter ‘Installing GFI FAXmaker’.