
182 Configuring GFI FAXmaker for Lotus Notes GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Step 2: Define the database as a POP Mailbox
To define the Notes fax database as a POP mailbox:
1. Open the Notes Workspace
2. On the Server, open the server Address book.
3. Click on ‘Add Person’.
4. Under the Basics Tab, in the ‘Name’ section enter a name and
password for the Mailbox and set the user name as ‘fax’. Keep
note of the password entered.
5. Under the ‘Mail’ Tab, set the Mail system to be ‘POP or IMAP’.
6. The Domain and mail server in the mail section should be
entered according to the Notes system while the Mail file entry
should be the path and name of the files specified for the
database in step 2 of how to create the database above.
7. The Internet message storage option in the ‘Mail’ section must
be set to ‘Notes and Internet Mail’
8. Click on the ‘Save and Close button’.
Screenshot 177 - Setting up the POP mailbox for GFI FAXmaker
Step 3: Setting up of forwarding of the domain
1. From the workspace, open the address book.
2. In the address book select server, domains.