
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Advanced use 151
2. Now go to the GFI FAXmaker configuration program, Advanced >
HPDS node and right click to bring up the properties. Enable the Scan
folder for HPDS files option and enter the directory you specified in the
HP Digital sender app, plus add a subdirectory called '\HPFSCAN' to
the path. For example, if you have set a directory 'c:\hpdsfaxes' in the
HP Digital sender link applet, you would specify
'c:\hpdsfaxes\HPFSCAN' in the GFI FAXmaker configuration.
3. Now go to HP Digital sender JetAdmin utility and 'Modify' your HP
Digital Sender to enable fax. Choose 'Other vendors with notification
support' as Network Fax Server.
Customizing transmission reports
GFI FAXmaker includes the possibility to customize transmission
reports. The default transmission reports can be edited in the following
1. Open one of the following files in the ProgramFiles\GFI
FAXmaker directory: error.fbt (error transmission reports), recv.fbt
(incoming fax report) and sent.fbt (sent fax report).
2. Delete or add fields as you wish. The following fields are supported:
Status: <status>
Date: <date>
Time: <time>
Date/Time: <date_time>
Speed: <speed>
Connection time: <connection_time>
Pages: <pages>
Total pages: <total_pages>
Resolution: <resolution>
Remote ID: <remote_id>
Local ID: <local_id>
Line number: <line>
Retries: <retries>
Description: <description>
DTMF/DID: <dtmf_did>
Subject: <subject>
Billing code: <billing_code>
Recipient last name: <r_last_name>
Recipient first name: <r_first_name>
Recipient name: <r_name>
Recipient company: <r_company>
Recipient department: <r_department>
Recipient email address: <r_e-mail>
Recipient fax number: <r_fax>
Recipient phone number: <r_voice>