
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Scheduling reports 217
Screenshot 206 - Custom scheduled report storage options
7. If you want to send the generated scheduled report by email, select
the Send by mail check box. The report will be sent to the recipients
using the SMTP server specified in the Default Scheduling Options
dialog box. For further information, refer to the ‘Configuring default
scheduling options’ section further on in the manual.
If you want to specify custom send by email settings for this scheduled
report, click Settings under the Send by mail area, to display the
Email Alerts Options dialog box.
Specify the following parameters:
To/CC: Specify the email address(es) where you want to send the
scheduled report.
From: Specify the email account that will be used to send the
Server: Specify the machine name or IP address of your SMTP
(outbound) email server. If the specified server requires
authentication, select the SMTP Server requires login check box
and specify the logon credentials in the User name and
Password boxes.
Report format: Reports are sent via email as attachments. Select
the file format in which you want to send the scheduled report from
the list.
Click OK to close the Email Alerts Options dialog box.