
220 GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Scheduling reports GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 209 - Schedule activity monitor
The activity monitor displays the following events:
Information: The scheduled report was successfully generated.
Warning: The scheduled report was not generated since the
product license is invalid or has expired.
Error: The scheduled report was not generated due to some error.
Typical errors include:
Errors when attempting to save the generated report to a
specific location on disk, for example, out of disk space.
Errors when attempting to send the generated report by email,
for example, the SMTP server configured in the GFI
ReportCenter settings is not reachable.
The activity monitor records and displays the following information:
Date: The date and time when the scheduled report was executed.
Product name: The name of the GFI product ReportPack to which
the report belongs.
Type: The event classification - error, information, or warning.
Description: Information related to the state of a scheduled report
that has been executed. The format and contents of the activity
description vary, depending on the event type.
NOTE: The description is often the most useful piece of information,
indicating what happened during the execution of a scheduled report
or the significance of the event.
Enable/disable a scheduled report
Scheduled reports can be enabled or disabled as required.
To disable a scheduled report, follow these steps:
1. Click on the Scheduled Reports panel button and then click on the
Scheduled Reports List node.
2. Right-click on the scheduled report you want to disable and then
click Disable.
The status of scheduled reports is indicated by an icon to the left of
each scheduled report as follows: