GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Custom reports • 209
GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Custom
With GFI ReportCenter, you can create custom reports that fit specific
date ranges based on the default report templates included in the GFI
FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack.
Creating a new custom report
To create a custom report:
1. Click on the Default Reports panel button to bring up the list of
default reports available.
2. Right-click on the default report you want to base the custom report
on, and then click New Custom Report to display the Custom
Report Wizard.
Screenshot 196 - Custom Report Wizard
3. Click Next to continue.
4. In the Name and Description page, provide a descriptive report
name and description in the Report Name and Report Description
boxes, and then click Next to continue.