96 • Configuring Fax server options GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 97 - Dialing options
First, you must enter your country code and area code. The country
code must be entered without the dial prefix. The dial prefixes are the
numbers that are placed in front of the country code when dialing an
international number. This may vary per country, but the most
common are 00 and 011.
It is important to remember that the dial prefix of a country is the
number the user in that country must dial to make an international call
(sometimes defined as a + in front of the country code). The country
code is the number that the user in another country must dial in order
to call the country with that country code. For example, in the United
Kingdom the dial prefix is 00; thus, to dial the United States (which
has 1 as its country code), the user must dial 001 and then the
number. In the United States, the dial prefix is 011, thus to dial the
United Kingdom (country code 44) the user must dial 01144 and then
the number.
International dialing
In this section you must enter the settings for international dialing.
When the fax server detects a + in front of the number, this section is
used to modify the first part of the number. The user may select the
option to remove the country code if it matches the one in the ‘Where
am I?’ section.
If this option is not selected, the country code will remain as is. If the
option is selected, it enables 2 other options. One is the option to
attach a prefix if the country code matches and is removed. The other
is the option to replace the + with the international dial prefix when