
36 Installing GFI FAXmaker GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Unless you are installing GFI FAXmaker on an Exchange 2000/2003
server, the wizard will prompt you what type of mail server you are
using. If you select:
Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 on another machine or Microsoft
Exchange 5.5, the wizard will prompt you for the IP of the
Exchange server machine name. The IP is required and not the
machine name, since set-up has to allow relaying from the
Exchange Server to the GFI FAXmaker fax server machine. If your
mail server requires authentication to send mails, enter
authentication details.
Lotus Notes/Other SMTP/POP3 server, the wizard will prompt you
for a machine name or IP and a dedicated POP3 mailbox name
and password. If your mail server requires authentication to send
mails, enter authentication details.
Mail server hosted at an ISP, the wizard will prompt you for the IP
of the mail server machine. If your mail server requires
authentication to send mails, enter authentication details.
Screenshot 40 - The wizard will prompt you for a mail server name
After you have configured the mail server, click next. The wizard will
try to connect to the specified mail server to ensure the mailserver
responds at that IP (Note that authentication settings are only tested
at the end). For more information how GFI FAXmaker 12 integrates
with each type of mail server, review the paragraph ‘How to deploy
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP 12‘ in the previous chapter.