130 • NetPrintQueue2FAX GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 126 - Browsing for the printer driver on the Fax server machine
3. This will bring up all the available network printer drivers. Now
browse to the machine on which GFI FAXmaker has been installed.
The NetPrintQueue2Fax printer driver will show up. Select this printer
and click Next.
Screenshot 127 - NetprintQueue2FAX printer driver installed
4. The printer driver will be installed and show up in the printers folder.
Now users can print to this printer driver from any application.
Using the NetPrintQueue2FAX feature
Using the NetPrintQueue2FAX is no different from printing to a
network printer. Simply print from the application to the
NetPrintQueue2FAX printer driver. Your fax will be automatically
submitted to GFI FAXmaker and sent out. Note that you must include
the search fields, and after the search fields you must have entered
the recipient fax number. The recipient fax number is required. Other
fields are optional.
If GFI FAXmaker fails to find the search fields in the document, it will
send an error report to the user. Otherwise it will fax out the document
and report back to the user as normal.