
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Cover pages 115
Configuring Cover pages
Introduction to cover pages
Cover pages are used to format the fax message text on. Whenever a
user writes a message in the fax message form or the e-mail client,
GFI FAXmaker will format the message body on to a cover page.
There are 2 types of cover pages in GFI FAXmaker:
Cover page: a cover page includes the message text and/or
recipient/sender details.
Cover note: a cover note is an additional cover page, which only
includes sender/recipient details in front of the cover page
described above. In some companies this is required. You can
compare this page to a 'Compliments slip'.
You can set-up multiple cover pages and cover notes. This way, you
can associate different cover pages with different users. For example,
you could create a cover page for the support department and
associate the support users group to it. Then you could create a
different cover page for the sales department.
Adding Cover Pages/Cover notes
By default, GFI FAXmaker includes a generic cover page, which is
assigned to all Fax users. If you wish to change the format of this
cover page, you can simply double-click on the cover page entry in the
right pane and click ‘edit’ to edit the cover page file. However you can
also create your own custom cover pages.
Adding a cover page
To add a cover page:
1. Right click on the Cover page node, and select 'New Cover page'
Screenshot 113 - Creating a new cover page