GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the clients • 53
2. Click on the Add button to add a single computer, or click on the
select button to select a range of computers on which to deploy
the custom software.
NOTE: You can also select which machines to deploy custom
software on from Security Scanner node and the Tools > Enumerate
Computers node.
Step 3: Specify software to deploy
Click on the Add… button in the “Patches:” section to specify the
source location of the MSI file. In the custom edit box, enter the
appropriate command line parameters (see previous paragraph). Its
important that you at least specify the ‘SILENTPRINTERDRIVER=1’
option! Otherwise a dialog will popup during install.
Screenshot 58- Specifying MSI name and command line options
For example, to install the GFI FAXmaker client in English, using the
outlook form instead of the FAXmaker form, you would use the
following options:
Step 4: Start the deployment process
Once you have specified the location of the client and the command
line options, you can start the deployment process by clicking on the
Start button.
Installing the GFI FAXmaker client on Terminal server clients
If you are using Terminal server, and you wish to deploy the GFI
FAXmaker client to all terminal server users, you can use the normal
GFI FAXmaker SMTP or MAPI client. To install the FAXmaker client
on your terminal server:
1. Run the client install directly on the Terminal server machine itself.
It must not be run from a remote terminal session window!
2. Launch the setup msi from explorer. Do not run the installation
from Control Panel > 'Add/Remove Programs' since the GFI
FAXmaker 12 client installation is 'Terminal Services aware'. The