70 • Configuring Fax routing GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
FAXmaker fax server for backward compatibility reasons. We no
longer recommend it.
General routing options
Independent of what routing method you use, you must set-up general
routing options.
Screenshot 71 - Routing properties – specifying default fax routers
Specifying default routers
1. In the GFI FAXmaker configuration program, right-click on the
Routing node and select 'Properties'. This will bring up the routing
properties dialog. In this dialog you can specify users/mailboxes that
should receive un-routed faxes and users/mailboxes that should
receive all faxes.
2. To configure users that should receive all faxes, go to the ‘Receive
all faxes’ tab. Click Add and specify the user/mailbox that should
receive all faxes.
3. To configure users that must route inbound faxes, click on the
‘default routers’ tab. Click Add and specify the user/mailbox that
should receive all faxes.
Note that the difference between a user that is a default router and a
user that is configured to receive all faxes is that the default router will
ONLY receive faxes that have not been routed. For example, if you
use DID routing, but receive a fax on a DID number that is not set-up
in GFI FAXmaker, then the default router will receive the fax. This
would be the case for a general fax line. Users specified in the