92 • Configuring Fax server options GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
3. If your mail server requires authentication, specify authentication
POP3 connector
Screenshot 93 - The POP3 connector
If you have Lotus Notes/Domino or an SMTP/POP3 server, then there
will also be a POP3 connector tab in the Email2Fax gateway
properties dialog. This allows you to collect faxes via a dedicated
POP3 mailbox. For more information see the first chapter. To
configure the POP3 connector:
1. Tick ‘Enable POP3 connector’ to enable collection of faxes and
SMS via POP3.
2. Specify the mail server name and port.
3. Specify the POP3 mailbox account name and password. You can
also specify the Login method.
4. Specify the full email address of the fax mailbox. This address will
be used as the ‘reply to’ address.
Sending & receiving options
To configure fax sending & receiving options, right-click on the
Sending/receiving options node and select properties. You can
configure the following options: