GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - General options • 227
GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - General
Entering your license key after installation
If you purchased a license key for the GFI FAXmaker 12.0
ReportPack, enter your License key using the Options ` Licensing
node (no re-installation/re-configuration required)
NOTE 1: You must purchase a different license key for every GFI
product ReportPack to be installed and accessed through the GFI
ReportCenter framework.
For example, to install both the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack and
the GFI MailSecurity 10.0 ReportPack, you must purchase two
separate license keys, one for each product ReportPack.
NOTE 2: Entering the License Key should not be confused with the
process of registering your company details on our website. This is
important since it allows us to give you support and notify you of
important product news. You may register and obtain your GFI
customer account from
To specify your GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack license key:
Screenshot 214 – Product Selection list
1. Select GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack, from the Product
Selection list.
2. Click on the Options panel button.
3. Right-click on the Licensing node and then click Set Licensing….