GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Installing the clients • 49
then use this form in case he wants to set particular options which are
more difficult to do from the Outlook New Message form.
Screenshot 54 - Specifying mail server
4. If you selected the FAXmaker New Message form or both, set-up
will prompt you for the type and name of your Mail Server. If you
select Lotus Notes or SMTP/POP3 Mail server, you will also have to
enter the name of the fax mailbox. If needed, tick the ‘My mail server
requires authentication’ tick box to configure authentication options.
Screenshot 55 - Optional authentication
5. Only configure authentication if your mail server requires it and if
you are familiar with the settings! Enable SSL if you want to use SSL
certificates (does not require authentication to be enabled). If you want
to authenticate against the mail server, enable ‘Use SMTP