
180 Configuring GFI FAXmaker for Lotus Notes GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 175 – Removing the default POP3 view
4. Double-click the $POP3 View. Click OK to the warning prompt.
5. Select the following two lines and delete them from the $POP view
DEFAULT DeliveredDate := “”;
SELECT DeliveredDate != “”
6. Save the changes and exit Domino Designer.
Step 5: Add the FAX Foreign Domain
1. Load Domino Administrator.
2. Select the Configuration tab.
3. Select Messaging\Domains.
4. Click Add Domain.
5. Select Foreign Domain for Domain Type
6. Enter fax as the Foreign Domain Name.
7. Select the Mail Information tab.
8. Enter the Domino server name (i.e. server/GfiAP) as the Gateway
server name.
9. Enter the mail\faxmaker.nsf as the Gateway Mail File Name.
NOTE: The fax number appears twice when FAXmaker sends the fax,
if RFC822 phrase handling is enabled on outbound email. To resolve
this perform the following from Notes Administrator: