
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual The SMS gateway 143
Screenshot 138 - In-built SMS Server Options
5. Once the mobile is set up, the "In-built SMS Server Properties"
dialog will be displayed. The GSM Devices tab contains the list of
configured GSM mobiles. The Options tab contains the following
Send outgoing SMS messages: Enable this option to send SMS
Receive incoming SMS messages: Enable this option to receive
SMS messages. If this option is not enabled, the SMS messages will
remain in the mobile phone.
Polling interval in seconds: Configures the interval for checking for
incoming messages: The greater the interval the more priority is given
to sending of messages.
Troubleshooting GSM SMS modems
Check the following issues:
Check you have not configured GFI FAXmaker to use that port as
a fax modem
Check if the GSM modem is not installed as a modem in control
panel, this frequently causes other Microsoft applications such as
RAS or Microsoft Fax to attempt to take control of the modem
Test the SIM card with your mobile and ensure there is reception,
no pin number has been set, you have enough credits etc.