
144 The SMS gateway GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Routing received SMS messages
The SMS gateway can receive and route SMS messages as well. This
option is only available if you are using a mobile phone to send and
receive SMS messages. To switch on receiving of SMS messages,
enable receive messages in the SMS server options dialog. Optionally
SMS messages can be routed according to the logic described below.
SMS routing can be switched on from the SMS properties dialog, SMS
options tab (right click on the SMS properties node)
Screenshot 139 - SMS routing properties
GFI FAXmaker will route an inbound SMS message as follows:
1. SMS messages are routed to the person who recently sent a
message to that number. Outgoing SMS message recipients are
stored and associated with the user who sent the SMS. If an SMS
message is received, it will be assumed that the SMS is an answer
to the SMS the user sent, and therefore the SMS will be routed to
that user. See below for more information about the routing logic.
2. Any un-routed messages, i.e. messages with whom no user is
associated, are sent to the Default SMS router(s). The default
SMS router(s) can be configured from SMS routing properties
dialog, which can be accessed by right clicking on the SMS >
routing node.
3. Optionally, all SMS messages, whether un-routed or not, can be
sent to 1 or more users configured in the ‘Receive all SMS
messages tab’.
Inbound routing rules/notes: