134 • The SMS gateway GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
• Use a supported GSM modem connected to the GFI FAXmaker
fax server machine.
• Subscribe to a supported web based SMS provider
We recommend using a GSM SMS modem, since then you can send
messages even when your internet connection is down. Furthermore
you can also receive messages, which is not possible using a
web2SMS service.
Supported mobile phones/GSM devices
For the latest list of supported mobile phones and GSM devices,
please see the following GFI knowledge base article at:
Web based SMS providers
If you want GFI FAXmaker to send the SMS’s via a web based service
provider, you can:
Use Clickatell, an SMS provider which has been preconfigured for use
with GFI FAXmaker. This is a web based SMS service which sends
SMS messages worldwide. The cost is about 4 euro cents per
message. You can subscribe to the Clickatell service at:
Use a custom service that allows for SMS messages to be submitted
via SMTP.
Configuring the GFI FAXmaker SMS gateway
Once you have decided whether you want to use a mobile phone or a
web based SMS service to send out messages, you can configure the
SMS gateway. To do this:
1. Go to the GFI FAXmaker configuration > SMS > SMS users node.
2. In the SMS users node, you have to specify all the users that can
send and receive SMS messages. Right-click on the SMS users node
and select ‘new SMS user’. In the Active Directory user picker, select
a single user, multiple users or a group of users. Click OK. The users
will now be added to the SMS users node.