GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax server options • 111
Screenshot 110 - Archiving to an email archiving package
1. In the GFI FAXmaker configuration, right-click on the archiving node
and select properties. This brings up the Archiving properties dialog.
2. In the Mail Archiving tab tick the faxes that you want to archive. You
can archive received, sent and failed faxes.
3. Specify the e-mail address to which all faxes should be sent. The e-
mail body will include the transmission report and the fax as
attachment. If you have the OCR module installed, received faxes will
include the OCR output in the body. For sent faxes, the text converted
into the cover page will be included with the transmission report. This
allows for easy searching of faxes.
NOTE: The email address specified should be of one of the licensed
users in GFI FAXmaker. If you have an unlimited users license, you
can specify any email address you want.
4. Specify in which format you want the faxes to be archived. PDF is
the recommended format, since most users have a PDF viewer
installed. Click OK.
Archiving directly to a database
NOTE: This feature can take considerable disk space – keep this in
mind when setting up your database server.