
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring GFI FAXmaker for Lotus Notes 185
Configuring the Email2Fax gateway in GFI FAXmaker
After configuring Lotus Notes/Domino, all you need to do is set-up the
Email2Fax gateway in GFI FAXmaker and ensure that each fax user
is configured as a user in GFI FAXmaker. To do this:
1. In the GFI FAXmaker configuration, right-click on the Email2Fax
gateway node and select properties.
2. In the General tab specify the name or IP of your Notes/Domino
server. This entry will be used to send inbound faxes and delivery
reports. If you are configuring FAXMaker to work with a Lotus
Notes/Domino v6.5 server using mail relaying, you can skip to step 7.
Screenshot 182 - The POP3 connector
3. Switch to the POP3 connector tab. Enter your mail server name or
IP and the POP3 port (usually 110)
4. Enter the mailbox name and password of the fax mailbox you
created on your Lotus Notes server (fax)
5. Specify the Fax server ‘Sender’ e-mail address: Enter the email
address of the POP3 mailbox that is used for the fax server.
6. Specify PASS as login method.
7. Click OK. Now restart the GFI FAXmaker MTA service.
Configuring the GFI FAXmaker users
After you have configured the Lotus Notes server, ensure that you
have configured all fax users as licensed GFI FAXmaker users and
entered their email address in Active Directory, or if you don’t have