
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax lines 63
Screenshot 67 - The modem device tab
4. The device/line properties dialog appears. If you selected to use the
Microsoft Windows fax drivers, there are no options to configure: you
have to configure all modem options from Microsoft Fax. If you chose
to use the GFI fax modem drivers, select your modem type from the
modem type list box. If your modem does not appear in the list, select
the generic class driver for your modem.
5. Configure the Initialization string, Rings until answer, Tone dialing,
Wait for dial tone, Check for busy tone, Speaker mode and Speaker
volume options.
6. If you are familiar with modem configuration, you can click on
‘Advanced Modem Options’. This allows you to change the modem
settings of the driver. More information about the different settings can
be found in the Chapter ‘Advanced use’. Important: Only advanced
users should change modem settings!
7. You can configure ‘Line options’ and ‘Advanced options’ from the
Line options and Advanced tabs. A description of these options can be
found further on in this manual. Click OK to add the line.
8. You should then add any additional lines you wish to use with GFI
FAXmaker to the Lines/Devices configuration.
, After making any changes to the FAXmaker Lines/Devices
configuration make sure to restart the FAXmaker FAX Server service
for the changes to take effect. Then Check the Fax Server Monitor to
make sure that the lines have been initialized.