224 • GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Configuring default options GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
2. Right-click on the Database Source node and then click Set
Database Source.
Screenshot 211 - Microsoft SQL Server reporting database
3. Select the reporting database type, from the Database Type list. If
you selected Microsoft Access, go to step 5. If you selected Microsoft
SQL Server, go to step 4.
4. Specify the machine name or IP address of the server hosting
Microsoft SQL Server in the Server box. If you use Windows
Authentication, clear the Use SQL Server Authentication check box.
If you use Microsoft SQL Server authentication, select the Use SQL
Server Authentication check box and specify a user name and
password in the User box and Password box respectively. From the
DB Name list, select the GFI FAXmaker reporting database.
5. If you selected Microsoft Access, specify the full path to the
Microsoft Access database, in which GFI FAXmaker is logging
reporting data, in the space provided. You can do this either by typing
the path in the box or else click Browse and then select the Microsoft
Access file visually from the dialog box.