
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual The Exchange 2000/2003 SMTP connector 159
The Exchange 2000/2003 SMTP
About the Exchange 2000/2003 SMTP connector
Set-up configures a SMTP connector for GFI FAXmaker fully
automatically. This SMTP connector is a completely standard
Exchange SMTP connector, but pre-configured with options required
by GFI FAXmaker to operate properly. In fact the connector can easily
be created manually as described further on in this chapter. To access
the connector go to:
1. Exchange System Manager > Administrative Groups > First
Administrative Group > Routing Group > First Routing Group >
Connectors > FAXmaker SMTP connector. Note that the exact
path may differ depending on how you have configured Exchange
2. Right click on the connector to bring up the connector properties.
A tabbed dialog with the connector properties will now appear.
Connector scope
An important setting is the connector scope. To access this option, go
to the address space tab of the FAXmaker SMTP connector
properties. By default, the GFI FAXmaker is configured to send out
faxes for its routing group only.
The connector scope controls which messages can travel through this
connector and determines the connector's availability to other servers
within your organization.
If you select Entire organization then all fax messages from your entire
company will go through this connector and thus be sent out by the
GFI FAXmaker server connected to this connector. Select this option if
you have multiple Exchange Servers in your network but want all
faxes to be sent by a single GFI FAXmaker server.
If you have an enterprise network with more then 1 Exchange Server
in multiple geographical locations, you probably will need several fax
servers, and you would use a routing group to control which faxes are
sent by this fax server. In this case, select ‘Routing group’ to restrict
the connector's use to this routing group.
Creating the connector manually
It is possible to manually create the GFI FAXmaker SMTP connector,
rather then have set-up do it automatically for you. A requirement of
this setup is that the GFI FAXmaker server must be installed on a
separate machine, i.e. not on the Exchange Server itself.